
Serving the World of Food & Beverages

With production hubs strategically positioned across Europe, we cater to diverse clientele across retail, foodservice and industrial sectors. Renowned for excellence, each facility collaborates closely with our partners, shaping offerings, tapping into new markets, and anticipating consumer trends across various industries.

Your Juicy Brand, we Juice it!

Let us help you build your brand with our expertise and experience in more than 20 countries. Together, we’ll develop the finest recipes and concepts, and oversee the launch of your products, from bottling to labelling and transportation. Collaborating closely, we’ll enhance your range, boost sales, and maximize profits.

United in Winning Consumer Loyalty

Our commitment extends beyond our production facilities. Through collaboration with every partner in the supply chain, consumers receive the finest products on the market. This collaboration commences with our suppliers, each personally known to us, from local spinach farmers to pineapple growers in Central America. Together, we uphold stringent quality standards. We also engage closely with our customers, co-creating remarkably diverse fresh concepts, innovating production and packaging techniques, and swiftly adapting to trends. By continually monitoring market developments and partnering with leading research institutions, we remain informed and capture consumer hearts. Our 100% natural fresh fruit and vegetable concepts can be found across Europe, delighting customers everywhere.